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Symptoms, Causes and Diagnostic Methods

Epilepsy Symptoms

Since epilepsy is a dysfunction that occurs in the brain, the symptoms of epilepsy may vary depending on the function of the affected area of the brain. We can list some symptoms of the disease as follows:  

  • Sudden contractions in the body 

  • Loss of consciousness 

  • Very rapid nodding 

  • Uncontrollable shaking in arms and legs 

  • wink quickly 

  • Looking at a fixed point 

  • Being unable to react to sounds or speech for a short time 

  • Fear, anxiety or deja vu etc. psychological symptoms 

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Epilepsy Causes

Epilepsy is a condition that can have many causes and can occur at any age. It usually starts in childhood. Any disease that affects the brain can cause epileptic seizures.

  • Infections in the womb 

  • Birth traumas, lack of oxygen during birth 

  • Head injury 

  • Genetic and metabolic diseases 

  • High fever diseases, 

  • Excessive low blood sugar, 

  • Intracranial tumors, 

  • Brain inflammations. 

  • Paralysis 

  • Brain tumor 

  • Developmental brain malformations 

  • Brain infections such as meningitis can lead to epilepsy, 

  • Vascular abnormalities, especially in the brain vessels of individuals in the advanced age group, 

Some epilepsies occur as a result of an electrical activity spreading from this region as a result of disruption in a certain region of the brain. Epilepsies resulting from brain tumors and traumas can be given as examples for this situation. In some types of epilepsy, there is no damage in a single area. An epileptic seizure begins suddenly in the entire brain. Childhood-onset epilepsies are usually of this type. Types of epilepsy also differ from person to person, and this situation also affects the causes and causes of epilepsy. Because not every epilepsy person shows the same symptoms. 

Epilepsy Diagnostic Methods


Imaging methods are one of the primary methods used in the diagnosis of epilepsy. (EEG), (MR) and computed tomography are among the most commonly used imaging methods.

EEG, which indicates the electrical activity of the brain, is especially important in the diagnosis of epilepsy. Thanks to EEG, regions of the brain with uncontrolled bioelectrical activity are detected. Whether there is any structural problem that causes seizures is understood by MRI and tomography. If required by specialist physicians, blood and urine tests are also performed.


For the diagnosis of epilepsy, the patient's medical history, frequency and severity of seizures, and symptoms are among the points that physicians pay attention to. Sometimes, extreme stress, fatigue, emotional and hormonal changes can also cause seizures. In this sense, not every seizure indicates epilepsy. Physicians can diagnose after listening to patients' stories. 

epilepsy eeg
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People with epilepsy

About 50 million people in the world have epilepsy, making epilepsy one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide.  It can be seen at any age, although it is more common in childhood and over 65 years of age.

Epilepsy can occur in both sexes at any age and in any geographic area. Most people are likely to have an epileptic seizure once in their lifetime. People with more than one epileptic seizure are considered epileptic and should be treated with appropriate medications.

In Turkey, 7 out of every 1000 people suffer from epilepsy.

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