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What is Migraine?
It is a neurological disorder that causes a throbbing, severe headache, often felt intensely on one side of the head. The distinctive features of migraine that distinguish it from other headaches include nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to sound and light. The pain is so severe that it interferes with the completion of daily activities and leads to limitation. Migraine attacks take the first place among the most important causes of disability and loss of work in developed countries.
Many migraine attacks are seen as a type of "migraine without aura". Other conditions accompanying the headache of migraine patients without aura; nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound and smell. Migraine patients with aura, on the other hand, may experience "aura" attacks ranging from 5 minutes to 60 minutes before the headache attacks begin.
Migraine is a genetically inherited disease. In other words, migraine is more common in people with a family history of migraine. Although not in the family, women are at risk for migraine headaches during hormonal transition (adolescence, premenstrual days, menopause) and during the periods when they use birth control pills. . The sensory nerve of our face, cerebral vessels and cerebral cortex is the same. This nerve can also be stimulated in external environment triggers and trigger pain mechanisms in the brain. During migraine, the cerebral vessels first narrow and then expand. The increase in pressure due to enlargement in the brain vessels is the cause of the throbbing finding in the person.
Migraine Attacks
Headache, which progresses in attacks in migraine, occurs more than fifteen days a month within three months, each pain lasts at least 4 hours and if migraine-type pain is experienced at least 8 days a month, this is defined as "chronic migraine". In Migraine Treatment, treatment is planned depending on the frequency and severity of the person's headaches and other accompanying medical conditions.
The desire of the patients to sleep in a room without light or the feeling of vomiting helps to alleviate or end the migraine attack.
These attacks may differ in individuals, for example; Migraine attacks that occur intermittently are called “episodic migraine”.
If the attacks occur fifteen days or more per month in the last three months, it is called "chronic migraine". Chronic migraine can often be accompanied by anxiety disorders, depression and sleep problems. Chronic migraine can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.