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Symptoms, Causes and Diagnostic Methods

Migraine Symptoms


Migraine symptoms usually begin in the teenage years. The probability of its occurrence increases from the last stages of adolescence, and this probability decreases after the age of 35. As it is known in people with migraine, the most common and most severe symptom is headache. This headache can sometimes be so severe that it puts the person in bed.   

The most common areas of migraine attacks are the back of the head, behind the ears and forehead. Other physical symptoms of migraine are the desire to drink excessively, increase in appetite, diarrhea or constipation depending on the situation, and swelling in the abdomen.   In addition to these physical symptoms, people who experience migraine attacks also experience various emotional symptoms. Symptoms such as depressed mood, excessive cheerfulness, excessive stagnation, concentration disorders, olfactory sensitivity, attention deficits, hypersensitivity and an intense desire for sleep can be seen.   

tired woman

Migraine Causes

Migraine is a genetically inherited disease. In other words, migraine is more common in people with a family history of migraine.  Although not in the family, women are at risk for migraine headaches during hormonal transition (adolescence, premenstrual days, menopause) and during the periods when they use birth control pills. . The sensory nerve of our face, cerebral vessels and cerebral cortex is the same. This nerve can also be stimulated in external environment triggers and trigger pain mechanisms in the brain.

Triggers of Migraine  

  • Hormonal changes experienced by women  

  • Hormone medications, such as oral contraceptives (birth control pills) and hormone replacement therapy

  • Some foodstuffs  

  • Stress plays an important role in migraine attacks. Stress at work or home life may be the cause of frequent migraine attacks.  

  • Loud noises, bright lights, or exposure to sunlight  

  • Changes in sleep and wake patterns  

  • Migraine attacks may occur with sexual activity or intense physical exertion.  

  • Ambient air pressure or barometric changes can trigger migraines.  

  • Medicines; Vasodilators (vasodilators) such as nitroglycerin or oral contraceptives (birth control pills) can worsen migraines. 

  • Brain tumor 

Migraine Diagnostic Methods


Diagnosis is made during the interview by a specialist physician. 

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately; 

  • Sudden, severe headache like thunder 

  • Fever, stiff neck, confusion, double vision, drowsiness, or slurred speech 

  • Worsening of headache, especially after a head injury 

  • A headache that develops after coughing, exertion, straining, or a sudden movement 

  • New onset headache over 50, 


Migraine is not known enough and its treatment is not done because patients do not apply to the neurology department and try to control their headaches with painkillers. 

If you regularly experience migraine attacks and symptoms, it is useful to record them. If you think that the attacks and severity of your headaches have changed, you should definitely see a neurologist as soon as possible. 

For the diagnosis of epilepsy, the patient's medical history, frequency and severity of seizures, and symptoms are among the points that physicians pay attention to. Sometimes, extreme stress, fatigue, emotional and hormonal changes can also cause seizures. In this sense, not every seizure indicates epilepsy. Physicians can diagnose after listening to patients' stories. 


Genetic factors take the first place among the causes of migraine headaches. The incidence of migraine in patients with a family history of migraine varies between 40% and 75%. Hormonal changes also cause an increase in migraine attacks. Migraine attacks are 3 times more common in women than in men.   

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